Guests of the Institute

Distinguished Guests

Guests of the Institute have been invited to be a fellow here at the IWM to carry out their own research. Invitations are extended by the IWM Collegium, which is made up of the Permanent Fellows and the Executive Director and chaired by the Rector.


Kasper Nowak
Fellowship Program Coordinator


  • An Anti-Nationalist Organic Wholeness? Walter Benjamin and the Body of Humankind at the Turn of the 1920s, -
  • What Did It Mean to Be “European” in Early Modern Florence? , -
  • Růžena Vacková as a Critic of the 1930s and early 1940s, -
  • Shatters, -
  • Why are People Abandoning Democracy for the Nation , -
  • Developing the Concept of an “Emergency Response Archive”, -
  • Christian Democratic Option: Tracing Ideological Persistence from Postwar to Present in Czechoslovakia and Successor States, -
  • The Balkans: Mission Possible, -
  • Digital Hyperconnectivity and Politics: Between Populism and Technocracy, -
  • Early Cold War Political Trials Across the East-West Divide, -
  • Exploring the Genesis Moment: Tracking the Making of a New World Order and Europe’s Place in It , -
  • The West: The History of an Idea, -
  • Blues and Routes, -
  • Amnesia International: What World Leaders Keep Forgetting about World Politics, -
  • A Place to Exist: Histories of Statelessness from Empire to European Integration, -
  • The Dollfuss Regime as a Political Model for Religious Conservatives in the United States, -
  • Theory and Practice of Hindutva , -
  • Minority and Majority as Asymmetrical Concepts: The Perils of Democratic Equality and Fantasies of National Purity, -
  • Resistance and Dissidence: Epimeleia in Patočka and Foucault , -
  • Technocratic Myopia, -
  • Indignity, -
  • The Vienna Black Market, 1943–1948, -
  • Border-Thinking: Contemporary Art, Coloniality, and Migration between Poland and Ukraine, -
  • Émigrés as Aneks: Polish Intellectuals Between East and West, 1968–1989, -
  • Theorizing Solidarity Using the Example of “Solidarity Citizenship”, -
  • Making Them Make Babies: Policy Design, Discursive Representation, and Socioeconomic Implications of (Pronatalist) Child Benefits in (Eastern) Europe, -
  • Ideology as a Market: Ideological Engineering in Today’s Russia , -
  • Tracing Taint: Four Case Studies with Implications for Historical Methodology, -
  • Editorial Roundtable 2024, -
  • Rose, The Human Story of a Scent, -
  • The Role of Progress in Politics, -
  • ‘Architects of the Better World’: The Birth of the International Parliamentary Complex (1919-1998), -
  • Degenerations of Democracy, -
  • Philosophy and the Cold War, -
  • Christian Hajjis: Mobility and Status in the Late Ottoman Empire, -
  • Reimagining the World After Empire: India and the Cold War, 1950-1970s, -
  • Power of Tech Companies and Artificial Intelligence in Directing the Public: Recommender Algorithms as Public Good and Virtual Identity as Human Right, -
  • Exodus: Fragments of Lives, Random Cities and Temporary Havens, -
  • Beautiful but Useful: An Anthropology of Aesthetic Materialism / Postcolonies of Communism: Soviet Pasts in the Afterlife of Empire, -
  • Destroying Democracy by Law, -
  • Russia’s Church Under Putin, -
  • Dreaming of Europe: Refugees and the Old Continent, -
  • Value Polytheism during the Pandemic: Philosophical Questions on Value Problems in Light of Recent Events, -
  • Music in Flight: Refugees, Exiles, Fugitives, and the Politics of Music in Latin America, -
  • ‘A Melancholy Enterprise’? Revisiting German and Jewish Minority Cooperation in Interwar Europe, -
  • Move Over, Mona Lisa. Move Over, Jane Eyre: Making Room for Everyone in the World's Museums, Libraries, and Universities, -
  • Enver Hoxha: Biography of a Balkan Tyrant, -
  • Rethinking the History of the Future of Democracy, -
  • Turkey in the Cold War: Anti-communism, Political Islam and the Western Alliance, -
  • Haruki Murakami und die Weltliteratur , -
  • Invited by the IWM Rector as Guest of the Institute in September 2022, -
  • Invited by the IWM Rector as Guest of the Institute in September 2022, -
  • The War on Porn: The International Campaign to Prohibit the Spread of Obscene Publications in the Twentieth Century, -
  • Middle Eastern Maze: Israel, The Arabs and The Region 1948–2022, -
  • Mea culpa, Sua culpa, Tua Maxima Culpa: Collective Responsibility and Judgment in the Addressing of Mass Atrocities and War Crimes, -
  • Victory Day: Commemorating the Soviet Experience in WWII, 1945—2055, -
  • Tomorrow Belongs to Me: Coming of Age in the Other Europe, 1890-1968, -
  • Gadflies, Stargazers, Sages in Barrels: Can Ancient Philosophers Help us Navigate Confusing Times?, -
  • "Comrade Selo is a capricious and quarrelsome adventurer…": Private Letters to Enver Hoxha, -
  • Sovereignty in Miniature, -
  • Fascism as a Social Kind, -
  • Invited by the IWM Rector as Guest of the Institute in June 2022, -
  • Consciousness in Dostoevsky and Marx in the Light of Mamardashvili's Metaphilosophy: a Comparative Analysis, -
  • Philosophy and the Cold War, -
  • Phenomenology of Imagination: Feeling the Otherness of the Other, -
  • How Putin’s War is Reordering the World, -
  • Rule by Law and the Making of Authoritarian Democracies, -
  • Acts of Entitlement: Elites and Affects in India and Elsewhere, -
  • "Imagining Democracy": Towards a Cultural Reading of Democracy in Postcolonial Sri Lanka, -
  • Eradicating the Written Word: Power and Symbolism through the Lens of Book Burnings, -
  • Study on the Typology and Principles of Regional Integration, -
  • The Anthropocene as Philosophy of History: Thinking Historically in the Age of Climate Disaster, -
  • Informalization: The Aesthetics of Populism, -
  • The Rule of Law: Bridle of Power, -
  • Authoritarianism, Democracy and Political Crises in the Periphery of the Modern Capitalist World-System: the Brazilian Case, -
  • On Narratives of Polish History, -
  • The Anti-Zionist Campaign in Poland, 1967-1968, as a Populist Project, -
  • Ideological Fluidity of Collective National Rights: The Case of Josip Wilfan, -
  • Models, Metaphors, Values: A Conversation with Technology, -
  • The Three Professions Entitled to Wear the Gown: A Morally Perfectionist Defense of Academic Freedom, -
  • Atlas Unbound: Internationalism and the Future of Human Rights, -
  • Security Institutions, State Transformation, and the "Insecurity Trap", -
  • Labor, Migration, and Differential Inclusion on Inter-Asia’s Capitalist Frontiers, -
  • Governing through Contradictions: An Anthropological Study of Soft Authoritarian Government in Turkey, -
  • Solving Multiclass Classification for Social Research, -
  • Invited by the IWM Rector as Guest of the Institute in October 2021, -
  • Archival Imaginaries and the Politics of History in South Asia, -
  • The Ghetto Houses of Budapest, 1944, -
  • The Entanglements Between Wars and Economic Relations in Late Capitalism in the Context of the Semi-Autonomous Region of Iraqi Kurdistan, -
  • Regional Free Movement of People Law: A New Field of Study for International Migration Law, -
  • The Art and Potential of Assembly: Harnessing the Power of Collective Experience through the Performing Arts to Support Societal Transformation, -
  • Law and Rebellion in Early Modern Istanbul, -
  • The Politics of Language, -
  • Sounds of Anti-Jewish Persecution in Early Post-War Accounts, -
  • The “World's Conscience” and the “World's Guru”, -
  • From the Social Engine, -
  • Populism, Elites and Expertise, -
  • Guest Fellowship, -
  • Postcolonial Critique of Democratic Theory, -
  • The Rule of Law in the Dynamics of EU Integration, -
  • Women in Rural Kazakhstan: Reports on Everyday Life in Post-Soviet Central Asia, -
  • Carceral Statehood: Russian, Prussian, and Habsburg Prisons in Partitioned Poland and Lithuania, -
  • Not Your Ordinary BRIC: China’s Distinct Path to Engaging International Courts, -
  • Borders and Mobilities in Europe and the Middle East, -
  • Acts of Writing: Racial Overdetermination, Psychiatric Rationality, Aesthetic Suspension, -
  • Crisis, Moral, and Politics in the 21st Century: How crises change our democracies, -
  • Exploitation as Labour Under a Regime of Disenfranchisement: Resituating Exploitation Within the Basic Structure of Society, -
  • Jan Patočka as a Political Thinker and Charter 77 as a Social Movement: The Origins of a New Politics in a Non-Western Context, -
  • Rule by Law and the Making of Authoritarian Democracies, -
  • The Ghetto Houses of Budapest, 1944, -
  • Political Communication 4.0: Tracing Recent Changes in Political Communication, -
  • Political Communication 4.0: Tracing Recent Changes in Political Communication, -
  • “The Dawn Rose on a Dead Man.” A Political Anthropology of Armed Violence and Poppy Cultivation in Badiraguato (Sinaloa, Mexico), -
  • Parenting Beyond the Social and Cultural Divide in Turkey, -
  • Liberal Sympathies: Justice, Upward Mobility, and Adam Smith’s Moral Sentiments, -
  • The New Rise of Utopian Thinking, -
  • Geschichtsphilosophische Forschungen, -
  • The Rehabilitation of Deception: an Anticartesian Turn, -
  • The World to Be, -
  • Michel Foucault and First Philosophy, -
  • Embodied Geopolitics of Fear: October Residency, -
  • The Changing Consumption Practices and Consumption Policies of the State in Russia: Socio-Political Subjectivities and the Modes of Citizenship of the New Middle Classes, -
  • Tyranny and Self-Determination, -
  • A Jewish Life Through War and Revolution: The Memoir of Morris Greenfield, -
  • Editor’s Roundtable and IWM Summer School, -
  • Migration Narratives Juxtaposed: A Sociological Analysis of Photos, Letters and Biographies of ´Guest Workers´ from Turkey Living in Austria, -
  • Law and Rebellion in Early Modern Istanbul, -
  • Guest Fellowship, -
  • Guest Fellowship, -
  • The Hermeneutical Legacy of Krzysztof Michalski, -
  • Embodied Geopolitics of Fear, -
  • The Gravity of Truth: Disenchantment, Disappointment, Democracy, -
  • Book project "Head Hand Heart", -
  • Scholarship and Freedom, -
  • Economy of Cruelty. A Short Discourse Story of Calculated Violence, -
  • Revisiting the Age of Migration, -
  • Towards a Universal Literary Canon, -
  • Guest Fellowship 2018, -
  • Guest Fellowship, -
  • Embodied Geopolitics of Fear, -
  • Die Schicksalsfrage, -
  • Political Mobilizations of Indian Muslims, -
  • Clemens Heller und Wien, -
  • An Inquiry into the Importance of Supporting the Struggle for Equality and Justice through Academic Engagement, -
  • Gender Equality in Times of Closure and Backsliding, -
  • Post-War Sri Lanka: Just Settlements, Contested Spaces, -
  • Post-Shame Politics, -
  • The Decade of Intellectuals:Reformism, Liberalism, and Democratic Elitism (Hungary 1982-1993), -
  • Vices and Virtues of the Rich—Emotional Legitimations of Wealth Concentration, -
  • Africa – the Unruly Continent, -
  • Measuring Science, -
  • Philosophy and Modern Arab Intellectual Issues: A Critical Assessment, -
  • Urban Theory North by East/West, -
  • Spiritual Foundations and New Fields of Research, -
  • Editorial Roundtable 2018: Junk Time, -
  • Reden wir über Reinheit: Normen, Körper, Bilder, -
  • The Anthropology of Closed Societies, -
  • Guest Fellowship, -
  • Crimes and compensations in North Africa (Algeria, Morocco, Sudan), -
  • Urban Theory North by East/West, -
  • Property as Process? An Anthropological Perspective on the Politics of Housing, -
  • Mechanisms of Modernization and Nation-State Institutionalization inCentral and Eastern Europe (19th – 21st Century), -
  • Mechanisms of Modernization and Nation-State Institutionalization inCentral and Eastern Europe (19th–21st Century), -
  • The Long Shadow of European Self-Interpretation in a Another Modernity, -
  • Was auf dem Spiel steht, -
  • Guest, -
  • Building Sustainable Opposition in Electoral Authoritarian Regimes, -
  • The Normative System of the Chinese Communist Party, -
  • Marx Rethought, -
  • From Political Theology to Philosophy of History, -
  • Integration and Fragmentation, -
  • City of Letters: The Making of Literary Life in Berlin, -
  • Natalism as a Third Attempt to Overcome Gnosis, -
  • Forms, Style and Manners: Democracy as a Way of Life, -
  • Future in the Past? Regimes of Nostalgia in post-communist Romania, -
  • Zum Umgang mit religiöser Pluralität in säkularen Gesellschaften, -
  • Insurgent Law: Judging in a Time of Civil War, -
  • Krise und Aufgebehren – Zum Wandel des Sozialen Konflikts in der Postdemokratie, -
  • Eurasia Re-Negotiated: Chinese Academic Discourse on International Dispute Resolution and Sovereignty, -
  • The State Capitalism Alternative. Insights from the Analysis of Real Life Socialist Systems, -
  • Moments of Monetary Politics, -
  • 25 Years of Polish Transformation: Conditions of Mainstream Journalism and Challenges for the Future, -
  • Cine-Art, -
  • Contemporary Practices in NGO Management, -
  • The Genealogy of Impartiality, -
  • Simon Reynolds: Rip It Up and Start Again – Postpunk 1978-1984, -
  • Guest Fellowship 2013, -
  • The Nation Writes. Polish ‘Social Memoir’ and the Project of Everyman Autobiography from the Great Depression to the Holocaust, -
  • Innovation and Democracy, -
  • Die Natur als Gegenwelt. Modernes Bauen und die naturästhetische Kultivierung des Fremden, -
  • Homecoming: Jan Patočka and the First World War, -
  • The Ideology of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists in the European Context, -
  • The Nation Writes. Polish ‘Social Memoir’ and the Project of Everyman Autobiography from the Great Depression to the Holocaust, -
  • Socio-Scientific Controversies on Gender and Gender Differences in Context, -
  • ‘Quiet Invaders’ Revisited, -
  • Ban Marriage! Ambivalenzen der Normalisierung aus queer-feministischer Perspektive, -
  • How Religious are the Non-religious? Non-believing and belonging in Modernity, -
  • Documentary “4 CITIES: Johannesburg, Helsinki, Vienna, New York City”, -
  • Guest, -
  • Archives as an ‘artifacts of history’; or, How the history of recent past has been preserved, -
  • Geschichte und Zukunft der Kritik, -
  • Grundlagen einer Ontologie aus dem Glauben, -
  • Husserlian Concept of Intersubjectivity and its Interpretation by Patočka and Schütz, -
  • Jan Patočkas These vom Verfall Europas und seiner Überwindung im Opfer, -
  • The Symbolic Power of Biology: Articulations of Biological Knowledge in “Naturphilosophie” around 1800, -
  • Guest of the Institute in November 2007, -
  • Achsen sozialer Ungleichheit, -
  • Guest Fellowship 2007, -
  • Regional Differences in Historical Identities and Their Impact on the Formation of Current Political Orientations in Ukraine., -
  • “Judenforschung” in the Third Reich: Scholarship – Propaganda – Ideology – Politics, -
  • Identitäten in der Literatur, -
  • Fin de siècle of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, -
  • Guest Fellowship 2004, -
  • Erinnerung und Lebenswelt. Juden und Nichtjuden in Osteuropa, -
  • Psychologische Aspekte der Medien, -
  • Feminist Ethics of Conflict, -
  • Feminist Theory in Global Techno Culture, -
  • Inventing Memory in Turn-of-the Century Vienna, -
  • Nationalism in Eastern and Central Europe in 19th Century; National and ethnic stereotypes in postCommunist European countries, -
  • Die Restitution von Privateigentum und ihre sozialen Konsequenzen in Polen und Deutschland, -
  • Guest Fellowship, -
  • The political implications of globalization, -
  • The relationship between nationalism and the women's question, -
  • Legality and Legitimation: Political Justice in the Aftermath of World War II, -
  • Public Policy Making in the Czech Republic: Developmental Threats and Opportunities, -
  • Connecting Citizenship and Gender: The Possibilities of the Arendtian Perspective, -
  • Essaysammlung Jürgen Habermas, -
  • IWM Vorlesung zur Geschlechterforschung, -
  • Die Neuschreibung der kommunistischen Vergangenheit im post-totalitären Polen, -
  • The Limits of Solidarity, -
  • A Dialogue on Ethics, -
  • Law of Privatization in Eastern Europe, -
  • Sects, lntelligentsia and Revolution, -
  • Circulation of Elites in Post-communist Transition in Eastern Europe, -
  • Modernization from Above, -
  • Herausgabe eines Handbuchs zur FrauenRechtsgeschichte in der Neuzeit, -
  • Three Whys of the Russian Revolution, -
  • The Social Economic Situation in the Slovak Republic, -
  • Der Sozialismus und die Frauenfrage in der Zwischenkriegszeit, -
  • History of the international Monetary Fund, -
  • Political-economic transformation processes in post-communist societies, -
  • Probleme des Übergangs von der alten Ordnung zur neuen in soziologischer Hinsicht, -
  • Visiting Fellowship, -
  • Visiting Fellowship, -
  • Visiting Fellowship, -
  • Visiting Fellowship, -
  • Visiting Fellowship, -
  • Metaphorische Sichtbarkeit, -
  • Visiting Fellowship, -


Fellows' Publications