Ute Gerhard-Teuscher



Ute Gerhard-Teuscher specializes in the history and theory of feminism, as well as legal history and social politics. During her stay at IWM she edited an interdisciplinary handbook to contemporary German women's legal history and prepared an essay on the relations between the German women's movement and the international context, which is to appear in a French Canadian collection under the title Féminismes et Cultures Politiques Nationales.

On March 25 she held a lecture on "L. Otto und der Beginn der Frauenbewegung." She also gave a paper at a conference organized by the Deufsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie, held in Halle April 3-7 (Forum des Ausschusses für Lehre). On April 20th, at the Philosophy Faculty of Bratislava University, she presented a paper titled "'Menschenrechte haben (k)ein Geschlecht': Die Bedeutung der Geschlechterdifferenz für die Geltung der Menschenrechte." At a conference organized in Florence by the /nsflfut Universitaire Européen under the title of "Reglementation du Temps de Travail en Europe," held April 25-27, she lectured on "Women's Working Time from a Historical Perspective." At another conference organized by the Hans- Böckler Stiftung and the Nell-Breunig lnstitut to discuss approaches to a new social contract and held May 10-11 in Frankfurt, she lectured on "Erosion alter Selbstverständlichkeiten." Gerhard-Teuscher has recently published the essay "Frauenbewegung und Ehekritik. Der Beitrag der Frauenbewegung zum sozialen Wandel," in: Familie im Brennpunkt von Wissenschaft und Forschung (Neuwied/Berlin 1995). Other publications that have appeared during her stay at IWM are: "Veränderungen im Geschlechterverhältnis. Noch liegen Welten zwischen Mann und Frau," in: A. Klein, ed., Werte-Diskussion im vereinten Deutschland (Cologne 1955);as well as "Die 'langen Wellen' der Frauenbewegung. Traditionslinien und unerledigte Anliegen," in: R. Becker-Schmidt and G.A. Knapp, eds., Das Geschlechterverhältnis als Gegenstand der SoziaL wissenschaft (Frankfurt, 1995).