Current Fellows' research

Jobs and Open Calls

Call for Application for the ERC Mentoring Initiative with 2 people working in the background
ERC Mentoring Initiative
Deadline for Applications: 15 October 2024


  • Paul Celan Fellow Svetla Kioseva Receives Award for Translation
    The IWM extends heartfelt congratulations to Svetla Kioseva, who received a Distinguished Achievement Award from the Bulgarian Translators’ Association for her translation of László F. Földényi's Melancholy, published…
  • New Fellows Starting in October
    We are excited to introduce our new fellows arriving at the Institute in October. Learn more about their fellowships and research projects by clicking on their names. For interview requests or media inquiries, please…
  • Neue Publikation: Durch Widersprüche Hindurch. Europa in einer ambivalenten Welt
    Das am Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen herausgegebene Buch von Nathalie Tocci Durch Widersprüche hindurch: Europa in einer ambivalenten Welt ist bei mandelbaum erschienen. 

Upcoming events

Upcoming events


  • Paul Celan Fellow Svetla Kioseva Receives Award for Translation
    The IWM extends heartfelt congratulations to Svetla Kioseva, who received a Distinguished Achievement Award from the Bulgarian Translators’ Association for her translation of László F. Földényi's Melancholy, published…
  • New Fellows Starting in October
    We are excited to introduce our new fellows arriving at the Institute in October. Learn more about their fellowships and research projects by clicking on their names. For interview requests or media inquiries, please…
  • Neue Publikation: Durch Widersprüche Hindurch. Europa in einer ambivalenten Welt
    Das am Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen herausgegebene Buch von Nathalie Tocci Durch Widersprüche hindurch: Europa in einer ambivalenten Welt ist bei mandelbaum erschienen. 

Current Fellows' research

Jobs and Open Calls

Call for Application for the ERC Mentoring Initiative with 2 people working in the background
ERC Mentoring Initiative
Deadline for Applications: 15 October 2024