
Fotocredit: Robert Newald, The participants in the debate sit on stage beneath a large screen reading Europa im Diskurs

Die Impfung – ein knappes Gut? Europa im Diskurs-Debatte

Der Theatersaal des Burgtheaters musste nicht nur zum Bedauern von Direktor Martin Kušej erneut leer bleiben – doch virtuell verfolgten am Sonntagvormittag zahlreiche Zuschauer*innen die Europa im Diskurs-Debatte zum Thema…
A displacement camp comprising 2 rows of container housing and a temporary road between them. in the foreground is some brightly coloured washing. in the background three small children walk away from the camera.

Call for Applications for Global Protection of Refugees and Migrants Workshop

Applications are now open for the 2021 Annual Research and Orientation Workshop on Global Protection of Refugees and Migrants.
headshot of Felix Ackermann in black and white. He is wearing a dark shirt and light jacket standing in front of a wall of framed pictures.

IWM Visiting Fellow Comments on Lukashenko’s Cultural Activist Crackdown

Last week, the largest newspaper in Poland Gazeta Wyborcza published an article by our current Visiting Fellow Felix Ackermann about the ongoing repression of the cultural activists in Belarus.
Shalini Randeria, wearing a red jacket, is standing in the IWM library holding a book.

Rector Randeria Asking Is Facebook a Danger to Democracy?

Shalini Randeria on a Swiss Broadcasting Corporation podcast tackling whether the information sharing has become a democracy and to human rights?
Shalini Randeria in a yellow top leans on the library ladder in the IWM library, surrounded by books

Spielarten des „sanften“ Autoritarismus: Wie Demokratien demokratisch ausgehöhlt werden

Unsere Rektorin, Shalini Randeria, hat die diesjährige Christoph Probst Lecture an der Universität Innsbruck gehalten. Mit der 2020 etablierten Lecture will die Universität Innsbruck alljährlich an ihren kurzzeitigen Medizin-Studenten Christoph…
A photo looking from stage left out over a full audience at the Burgtheater with the house lights dimmed.

Die Impfung – ein knappes Gut?

„Niemand ist sicher, bevor wir alle sicher sind“, warnen internationale Organisationen vor dem allerorts aufgekommenen Impfnationalismus. Denn mit den nun verfügbaren Covid-Impfstoffen stellen sich neue drängende Fragen:
Faranak Miraftab in front of a bookshelf with colourful books behind

New event in our Seminar Series on Forced Migration

The latest event in the series, “We Are All Refugees”: Informal Settlements and Camps as Converging Spaces of Global Displacements, will take place on Wednesday March 17, 2021.
An aerial view of a red table, fellows are sitting around it with notebooks and books on top of the table, deep in discussion.

Meet Our New March Fellows

Our fellows and guests who are joining us for March have arrived in Vienna. We wanted to take the opportunity to introduce them, their projects, and affiliations.
Headshot of Jan Sokol, in front of a book case wearing a light coloured jacket

Jan Sokol in memoriam

Am 16. Februar 2021 starb Jan Sokol. Die Nachricht vom Tod des tschechischen Philosophen, Bürgerrechtlers und Politikers erfüllt uns mit großer Trauer. Er war dem Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen seit den Anfangsjahren verbunden. The…
a screenshot of the four discussants on zoom

Democratic Vistas, Autocratic Specters: Must We Reinvent Democracy?

In this panel discussion, now available to watch online, our Rector, Shalini Randeria, together with Masha Gessen, Sławomir Sierakowski and Johannes Voelz share their thoughts on “Democratic Vistas, Autocratic Specters: Must We Reinvent Democracy?”.
Shalini Randeria standing at a lecture in the IWM library

Imperial Entanglements: Rethinking Modernity with and beyond Zygmunt Bauman

This online lecture series was co-hosted by the Bauman Institute and the Institute for Colonial and Postcolonial Studies (University of Leeds), together with the Postcolonial Intellectuals and their European Publics Network (PIN) and invites a…
A black and white headshot of Pedro Perfeito Da Silva who has a beard and glasses

CEU JVF, Pedro Perfeito Da Silva, Wins Advanced Doctoral Studies Award

Current  IWM Junior Visiting Fellow Pedro Perfeito Da Silva has won an Advanced Doctoral Studies Award in political economy from the Central European University. This award is given to students that completed a significant…