
IWM closed until further notice

IWM closed until further notice

The coronavirus (COVID-19) situation continues to evolve, both nationally and globally. In accordance with the most recent recommendations from government and health officials, and in the best interests of our visiting fellows, staff and guests, the…
Witness: Ukraine in the Photographs of Aleksandr Chekmenev

Witness: Ukraine in the Photographs of Aleksandr Chekmenev

The exhibition includes photo series produced by the photographer over the past 17 years. Curated by Konstantin Akinsha and Alisa Lozhkina
ERC Mentoring Initiative: Call for Applications

ERC Mentoring Initiative: Call for Applications

Together with the Polish Academy of Sciences and generously supported by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education, the IWM has established a mentoring initiative for applicants for European Research Council (ERC) Starting and Consolidator…
IWM Permanent Fellow Charles Taylor wins Ratzinger Prize 2019

IWM Permanent Fellow Charles Taylor wins Ratzinger Prize 2019

Philosopher Charles Taylor is one of the laureates of the 9th edition of the “Ratzinger Prize.”
In Memoriam Agnes Heller (1929-2019)

In Memoriam Agnes Heller (1929-2019)

Von Ludger Hagedorn Am 19. Juli starb die große ungarische Philosophin Ágnes Heller im Ferienort Balatonalmádi am Plattensee. Sie starb, wie sie lebte – unbeirrt und mutig: Sie sei, so berichten Augenzeugen, weit hinausgeschwommen in den See, so wie…
Between Kyiv and Vienna: Histories of People, Ideas, and Objects in Circulation and Motion

Between Kyiv and Vienna: Histories of People, Ideas, and Objects in Circulation and Motion

The Institute for Human Sciences (Vienna), Center for Urban History of East-Central Europe (Lviv), and Ukrainian Institute (Kyiv) invite paper proposals for a conference to be held in Vienna on 4-7 December 2019. The conference is organized in…
Ausstellung von Svätopluk Mikyta: Die Monochrome. Überdenken der Vergangenheit, Interpretation der Gegenwart

Ausstellung von Svätopluk Mikyta: Die Monochrome. Überdenken der Vergangenheit, Interpretation der Gegenwart

In Kooperation mit dem Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen zeigt die Knoll Galerie Wien in den IWM Räumlichkeiten eine Werkauswahl des slowakischen Künstlers Svätopluk Mikyta, aus seiner Serie „Die Monochrome“. Eröffnung: 12. Februar 2019 […
ERC Mentoring Initiative: Call for Applications

ERC Mentoring Initiative: Call for Applications

Together with the Polish Academy of Sciences and supported by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education, the IWM has established a mentoring initiative for applicants for European Research Council (ERC) Starting and Consolidator Grants in…
Ayse Caglar Becomes a New Permanent Fellow

Ayşe Çağlar Becomes a New Permanent Fellow

The IWM is pleased to announce that Ayşe Çağlar, Professor of Social and Cultural Anthropology and Deputy Head of Department at the University of Vienna, joined the IWM as Permanent Fellow in October 2018. She is a Professor at the Department of…
IWM Visiting Fellow Ruth Wodak receives the ‘Lebenswerk Preis’

IWM Visiting Fellow Ruth Wodak receives the ‘Lebenswerk Preis’

The IWM warmly congratulates Ruth Wodak, an exceptional scholar of political discourse and the radical right, who will receive the prestigious Lebenswerk-Preis.
Ernst-Wolfgang Böckenförde (1930-2019)

Ernst-Wolfgang Böckenförde (1930-2019)

His deep commitment to IWM and the afterlife of his dictum A very few are privileged to have their name associated with a sentence that shapes the political sensibilities of a republic/nation. Ernst-Wolfgang Böckenförde will always be remembered for…
Art Exhibition by Maxim Kantor: Faust Cycle 2018

Art Exhibition by Maxim Kantor: Faust Cycle 2018

'Faust 2018' is one of Maxim Kantors “livres d’artiste” productions.