Past Events
Title | Date | Type | Speakers | ||
Cultural Approaches to Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe | Panels and Discussions | Ivan VejvodaKarolina WiguraRuth WodakTill van Rahden | |||
Minority and Majority as Asymmetrical Concepts: The Perils of Democratic Equality and Fantasies of National Homogeneity | Seminars and Colloquia | Ludger HagedornTill van Rahden | |||
Can Beauty Save the World? On Historical Injustice, Reconciliation and the Role of Aesthetic Education | Lecture | Lea YpiMisha Glenny | |||
Russlands Krieg Gegen die Ukraine | Other | Misha GlennyTanja MaljartschukEmil Brix, Wolfgang Mueller, Oksana Stavrou, Holger Hestermeyer, Alfred F. Praus | Speakers: Misha GlennyTanja MaljartschukEmil Brix, Wolfgang Mueller, Oksana Stavrou, Holger Hestermeyer, Alfred F. Praus
Series: Other
Soviet Subalterns on Stage | Seminars and Colloquia | Mariia ShynkarenkoMariia Kardash | |||
The Contamination of History. World War II and How Everything Started to Make Sense | Lecture | Holly CaseIvan Vejvoda | |||
The Vienna Black Market 1943-1948 | Seminars and Colloquia | Misha GlennyNathan Marcus | |||
Ein Wir in Vielen Namen | Lecture | Ludger HagedornOlesya YaremchukMaria Weissenböck | Geschichten Ethnischer Gemeinschaften in der Ukraine
Solidarity-Based Citizenship for Migrants in Rural Regions: Marginalised Solidarities in Marginalised Places? | Seminars and Colloquia | Sevasti TrubetaAyşe Çağlar | |||
Wie Gespalten ist Unsere Gesellschaft? | Panels and Discussions | Isolde Charim, Jürgen Kaube, Bernhard Pörksen, Kathrin Stainer-Hämmerle, Eric Frey | Europa im Diskurs
Speakers: Isolde Charim, Jürgen Kaube, Bernhard Pörksen, Kathrin Stainer-Hämmerle, Eric Frey
Series: Panels and Discussions