
Erik Jones on Populism and Political Disorder
In this episode of the Vienna Coffee House Conversations podcast, host Ivan Vejvoda speaks with Erik Jones, director of the Schuman Center for Advanced Studies at the European University Institute in Florence.

Decoding the EU Elections: Insights from Experts across Europe
From 6 to 9 June, citizens in 27 European member states headed to the polls to cast their vote in this year's EU election—one of many in what has been termed a “super election year.” The results not only bear significant implications for the future…

Applications Now Open for Documenting Ukraine Grants
The Documenting Ukraine program is glad to start the 2024 application cycle. Ukrainian academics, creative professionals and public intellectuals are welcome to apply for one-time EUR 5,000 grants for projects documenting the experience of the full-…

Seyla Benhabib erhält Adorno-Preis 2024
Wir gratulieren Seyla Benhabib, die im Oktober 2023 als Albert-Hirschman-Fellow am IWM zu Gast war, herzlich zur Verleihung des diesjährigen Adorno-Preises. Die mit 50.000 Euro dotierte Auszeichnung wird alle drei Jahre von der Stadt Frankfurt am…

New Fellows Starting in June
We are pleased to introduce our fellows who will start their fellowship in June. You can find out more about their individual fellowships and research projects by clicking on their names. For interview requests and other media-related inquiries…

Europe's Futures Annual Symposium in Cres
Every year, the Europe's Futures project, a partnership initiative of the IWM and ERSTE Foundation, organizes the Europe's Futures Annual Symposium, where the current cohort of Europe's Futures Fellows present the conclusions of their…

New Podcast Episode with Ivan Marović on Nonviolent Civil Resistance
In this episode of the "Vienna Coffee House Conversations" podcast, Ivan Vejvoda interviews Ivan Marović, executive director of the International Center on Nonviolent Conflict, about his experiences and insights on nonviolent civil resistance.

Fünftes Vienna Meets Prague Festival: 2.-7. Juni 2024
Das Festival, das sich mittlerweile einen festen Platz im Wiener Kulturkalender erobert hat, feiert dieses Jahr seine fünfte Ausgabe. Auch dieses Jahr lädt es wieder dazu ein, von 2. bis 7. Juni Highlights der tschechischen Kultur in Wien zu…

IWM at Hay Festival 2024
From 23 May to 2 June, Hay Festival Hay-on-Wye 2024 will take place in Wales. The IWM will be represented at several events.

Reflections on the Spring Fellows' Conference 2024
Twice a year, early-career visiting fellows convene in the IWM library to present their research to a wider audience, receive feedback, and exchange ideas. Below, participants in this year's Spring Fellows' Conference share their impressions from…

Photograph – Pantograph: Neue Ausstellung am IWM zeigt Arbeiten von Andrej Kasík
An gleich zwei Terminen lädt das IWM dazu ein, die anlässlich des diesjährigen Vienna meets Prague-Festivals gezeigten Arbeiten des Photographen Andrej Kasík zu entdecken. Die offizielle Vernissage zur Ausstellung mit dem Titel…

Europe's Futures Fellows Study Trip to Ireland and Northern Ireland
From 15 to 19 April 2024, the current cohort of Europe’s Futures Fellows of the IWM and ERSTE Foundation went on a study trip to Dublin and Belfast.