Europe-Asia Research Platform on Forced Migration

Research Programs

Launched by the IWM in collaboration with the Mahanirban Calcutta Research Group (CRG) in June 2020, the Europe-Asia Research Platform on Forced Migration places a particular focus on South Asia and its European-Asian dimension. This collaboration advances cooperation between European and South Asian institutions and academics, while working toward innovative knowledge production on forced migration and border regimes.

Series of activities and workshops aim to enhance research capacities and facilitate the exchange of knowledge and policy expertise in forced migration studies in and between Europe and South Asia. Bringing together scholars, policy makers and practitioners from different disciplines and regions, the platform aspires to decentering Europe-focused scholarship, debates, and policies on forced migration.

The Europe-Asia Research Platform on Forced Migration benefits from ongoing projects on Europe’s Futures, and networks evolving from workshops such as “The Global Compacts on Refugees and Migrants and the Architecture of Global Politics of Migration” organized in and by the IWM as well as the research platform The Challenge of Urban Futures at the University of Vienna and Cities and Human Mobility Collaborative at the Zolberg Institute on Migration and Mobility at the New School for Social Research.

“Arrival” Infrastructures: Ukrainian Displaced People in Vienna

“‘Arrival’ Infrastructures: Ukrainian Displaced People in Vienna” is a research project within the Europe-Asia Research Platform on Forced Migration, led by IWM Permanent Fellow Ayşe Çağlar. Since its inception, the project has presented its findings in publications (such as IWMpost No. 131), conferences, and discussions at the IWM (once thereof together with the Cities and Human Mobility Research Collaborative), at the Central European University, at Deutsches Zentrum für Integrations- und Migrationsforschung, at Commons journal’s “Dialogues of the Periphery” conference, and at the Research Centre for the History of Transformations (RECET).

Seminar Series on Forced Migration

The Seminar Series, as part of Europe-Asia Research Platform on Forced Migration, benefits from the research platform The Challenge of Urban Futures at the University of Vienna and Cities and Human Mobility Collaborative at the Zolberg Institute on Migration and Mobility at the New School for Social Research.

For more information on these series please visit the University of Vienna website.


Heads of Project

Ayşe Çağlar
Permanent Fellow, IWM
Professor of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Vienna

Ranabir Samaddar
Distinguished Chair in Migration and Forced Migration Studies, Calcutta Research Group


Watch and Listen

Round Table with Ranabir Samaddar, Alex Aleinikoff, Roger Zetter, and Ayşe Çağlar: Covid-19 Pandemic and the Spectral Presence of Migrant Workers and Refugees. Listen here

Inaugural event with Ayşe Çağlar and Ranabir Samaddar: Europe-Asia Research Platform: Forced Migration Initiating a new research focus at the IWM See more here

Lecture with Paula Banerjee and Sandro Mezzadra: Covid-19: Redrawn Borders, Redefined Lives. Watch here

Lecture with Samita Sen and Ranabir Samaddar: Covid-19: Public Health and the Sudden Visibility of Migrant Workers. Watch here

Partners and Collaborators

In partnership with IWM and MCRG.

It collaborates closely with Cities and Human Mobility Collaborative at the Zolberg Institute on Migration and MobilityNew School for Social Research and the research platform  The Challenge of Urban FuturesUniversity of Vienna.

Zolberg institute and UniWien Logos


  • Sublimating Injustice in Neoliberal Times: Labour in India’s Platform Economy, -
  • Crisis, Conjuncture, and Biopolitics from Below, -
  • The Practices of Protection, Care and Treatment of Refugees in Nepal, -
  • The Geopolitics of Hospitality, -
  • Unveiling the Contradictions in the Governance of Environmental Mobility In African Cities, -
  • Urbanization and Climate Crisis: A Study on Kolkata, -
  • Cooperative as the Solution to the Vulnerability of the Migrants: A Study on the Sex Workers’ Cooperative in Kolkata, -
  • Acts of Interpretation, -
  • The Impact of Ad-hoc Solutions on the EU Governance of Migration: De-Europeanization of the Protection of Asylum Rights, -
  • Interpretation and Heterogeneity, -
  • Locating the Diseased Body, -
  • Reflexivity in Forced Migration Studies: Postcolonial, Decolonial and Transnational Methodologies, -
  • Digital Forced Migration, Techno-Borderscapes and Coloniality, -
  • Forced Migration, Race and Class: The Case of Syrian Refugees in Turkey, -
  • Eastern European Temporary Migrants: Fault Lines of Differential Inclusion in the EU Labour and Mobility Regimes, -
  • Territorial Differentiation of Refugee Protection in the Aegean Sea, -
  • Migrants' Access to Healthcare in Turkey, -
  • Forced Displacement and Access to the Labour Market: The Case of Gaziantep, -
  • Migration Industries and Transnational Governance of Queer Migration in Turkey, -
  • Eastern European Temporary Migrants: Fault Lines of Differential Inclusion in the EU Labour and Mobility Regimes, -
  • Forced Migrants, Gender, and Race in a Satellite City, -
  • Thinking Through Migration, -
