JVF Conference Volume
Adrianne Rubeli, Nina Vucenik
A Captured Moment in Time Introduction
Katarzyna Leszczynska
Pallas Athene oder Wie man die Frau zum Verschwinden bringt
Ilia Iliev
The Social Construction of a Saintly Woman in Bulgaria
Natalija Vrecer
Human Costs of Temporary Refugee Protection: The Case of Slovenia
Adrianne Rubeli
Threats to Sovereignty: The Case of Macedonia in the 1990’s
Nina Vucenik
USAID’s Approach to NGO Funding in Slovakia and Hungary
Gallina Andronova
Ideological Content of the East European Financial Sector Reform
Laurentiu Stefan-Scalat
Pacts and Conflicts in Post-communist Transformations: In Search of a New Social Contract