Chronicle from Belarus
Texts are posted in their original language, with their titles translated into English and a link to a translation of the whole text when available. Postings are listed chronologically, with the most recent material first.
- Lavon Volski
Original RU Volski – Ворагі Народу
[Enemies of the volk], Lavon Volski – YouTube, August 9, 2021. - Terminus Magazine
Original RU and BE, EN Poetry@TECH, Terminus Magazine - special Edition, Spring 2021. - Free Belarus
Original BE Вясна ідзе!
[Spring is coming!], freebel - YouTube, March 4, 2021. - Euroradio Live in Interview with poet Tatiana Svetashova
Original BE and RU "Творчая кухня": паэтка-білінгва Таццяна Светашова | Поэтесса-билингва Татьяна Светашова
["Creative Kitchen": bilingual poet Tatiana Svetashova | Bilingual poetess Tatiana Svetashova], Euroradio Live – YouTube, February 17, 2021. - Francesca Polistina
Original DE Massive Repressionen in Belarus gegen die Literaturszene: Willkürliche Festnahmen
[Massive repression in Belarus against the literary scene: Arbitrary arrests], Süddeutsche Zeitung –, January 29, 2021. - Hanna Komar
Original BE «Словы мацней» – Ганна Комар/Францішак Аляхновіч
[“Words are stronger” – Anna Komar / Franciszek Alekhnovich], Будзьма Беларусамі! – YouTube, January 25, 2021. - Liudmyla Wannek
Original UA “Хочу показати обличчя білоруської революції” – перекладач Лесик Панасюк
[I want to show the face of the Belarusian revolution – translator Lesyk Panasyuk], Radio Svoboda, RFE/Radio Liberty, January 18, 2021. - Polina Sadovskaya (Kovaleva) in Interview with Valzhyna Mort
Original EN The PEN Ten: an Interview with Valzhyna Mort, PEN America, November 5, 2020. - Poems by Hanna Komar and photos by Urbanparadox
Original BE Unprotected (Неабароненая), EN translated by Hanna Komar for IWM Chronicle from Belarus, October 11, 2020. - Estonian Flute Association
To Maria Kalesnikava, YouTube Video, October 9, 2020. - PyLai
Original RU Женщины не гуляют (2020)
[Women don’t walk], YouTube Video – PyLai Music, October 2, 2020. - Milaya Zlodeyka
Freedom Belarus 2.0. Belarus has a woman’s face, YouTube Video – Freedom Belarus, September 30, 2020. - Music: Virginijus Pupsys, Lyrics: Dmirty Strotsev
Original BE Я людей боюсь как чуда,
[I am afraid of people as a miracle], YouTube Video, September 27, 2020 - Amelia Glaser
Original EN There’s no there there: Political poetry from Eastern Europe on Facebook, TLS, September 4, 2020. - Hanna Komar & Urban Paradox
Original EN Artistic reflection that can tell the world the story of our deep wounds, September 5, 2020. - Poem by Hanna Komar
Original BE Landlocked, EN translated by Hanna Komar for IWM Chronicle from Belarus, August 25, 2020. - Valzhyna Mort
Original EN To Antigone, A Dispatch, New Yorker, August 24, 2020. - Dmitry Strotsev
Original BE Poem, EN translated by Amelia Glaser for IWM Chronicle from Belarus, August 21, 2020.
More poems of Strotsev Dmitry here. - Performed in Yiddish by Zisl Slepovitch
A Belarusian protest song,, August 19, 2020. - Angela Espinosa Ruiz
Original BE Прысвячэнне ахвярам АМАП-у і гвалту ўвогуле
EN An Ode to the Victims of the OMON and Violence in General, translated from Belarusian by David Kurkovskiy and Zachary Nelson for IWM Chronicle from Belarus, August 16, 2020. - Poem by Hanna Komar
Original BE We couldn’t find you, EN translated by Hanna Komar for IWM Chronicle from Belarus, August 11, 2020.