Kadri Liik on Russia's Future in Latest Podcast Episode

, 23.11.2023
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In this episode of the "Vienna Coffee House Conversations," host Ivan Vejvoda welcomes Kadri Liik, a senior foreign policy fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations. Liik, with her extensive background in Russian and Eastern European studies, delves into the complexities of Russia's current geopolitical situation, particularly in the wake of its full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

2023/24 Europe's Futures Fellow Kadri Liik reflects on Russia's historical evolution, discussing how the country's desire for control and power, both domestically and internationally, has shaped its foreign policy and societal dynamics. She emphasizes the country's gradual shift from seeking a transactional relationship with the West to adopting more aggressive and isolationist strategies.

Liik and Vejvoda also discuss the internal political climate in Russia, the country's young generation, the global ramifications of Russia's actions, and the potential for change in the post-Putin era.

Learn more about Kadri Liik here

Ivan Vejvoda is an IWM Permanent Fellow and Head of the Europe's Futures program at the IWM.

Listen to the full episode here.