Gáspár Miklós Tamás



In April 2021, Gáspár Miklós Tamás was awarded a non-resident fellowship by the IWM Rector to continue his work on the philosophy of history.


This project concentrates on the modern version of an ancient philosophical problem: how is it possible—as it seems to be the case in Marxism and Critical Theory—that a complete reification and alienation does not preclude the search for truth? How can we know something that would, by necessity, cloud our minds? Hence the need for political theology during the revolutionary crisis after 1917 and its subsequent demise.


Gáspár Miklós Tamás spent October 1987 at the IWM as a Guest of the Institute. During his stay he gave a lecture on "Relativist Justifications of Tyranny," in which he criticized both the traditional and more recent attempts to justify forms of oppression by pointing to the weight of tradition or the cultural context.