Ukraine: Thinking Together

Conferences and Workshops


Ukraine Thinking Together LogoThe Maidan and reactions to it, in Ukraine and abroad, raise classical and contemporary questions of politics and ethics. How can human rights be grounded and how are we motivated by the idea of human rights? How and when does language provide access to the universal, and how and when does it define political difference? Are some experiences so intense that they alter the character of intellectual exchange as such? How is decency in politics possible amidst international anarchy, domestic corruption, and the general fallibility of individuals? Does revolution renew Europe and revive political thought or can revolution, like everything else, be consumed by the clichés and abstractions of globalization? What does the revival of geopolitics mean for the world order? Is the Maidan an eruption of youth or an expression of history? Does its memory bring Ukrainians closer to European preoccupations, or introduce constellations that confound myths?

These were the topics of panel discussions and speeches. The discussions took place in Ukrainian, Russian, German, Polish, French and English.

The conference “Ukraine: Thinking together” was initiated by Leon Wieseltier of The New Republic and Timothy Snyder of Yale University / IWM.

The public programme as well as a list of organizers and partners are available below. More information, in Ukrainian, can be found on the website of the local organizer Krytyka.


Public programme (pdf)
Participant list (pdf)
Opening remarks by Timothy Snyder (pdf)

Further reading on Eurozine:
Ukraine in focus
Russia in global dialogue

Conference videos:

Timothy Snyder
Not Even Past: Ukrainian Histories, Russian Politics, European Futures (lecture on May 15)

Ukraine: Thinking Together” (press conference on May 16)

Ivan Krastev
The Global Politics of Protest (lecture on May 17)

Slavenka Drakulić
Intellectuals as Bad Boys? (lecture on May 18)

“Ukraine: Thinking Together” (press conference on May 19)

Media Clippings from all over the web:

Tobias Rapp and Gerhard Spörl
Europe’s New Status Quo: ‘Ukraine Is Fighting Our Battle’
Der Spiegel, 23.05.2014

Andreas Breitenstein
Mystik und Rationalität des Maidan
Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 22.05.2014

Roger Cohen
Poor Angry Magnetic Europe
The New York Times, 22.05.2014

William Schreiber
At Thinking Together conference, rethinking the left
KyivPost, 21.05.2014

James Kirchick
Putin vs. Humanity
The Daily Beast, 20.05.2014

Sabine Adler
Putins Eurasische Union: Ukraine als Testfall für die EU als Ganzes?
Deutschlandfunk, 19.05.2014

Richard Herzinger
Russische Aggression droht das Denken zu okkupieren
Die Welt, 19.05.2014

Roger Cohen
Gettysburg on the Maidan
The New York Times, 19.05.2014

Tobias Rapp
“Thinking Together”-Kongress in Kiew: Der interessanteste Ort der Welt
Der Spiegel, 19.05.2014

Richard Herzinger
Auftritt in Kiew: Biermann beschwört den Geist des Dissidententums
Die Welt, 18.05.2014

Timothy Snyder im Interview mit Ann-Dorit Boy
Rechte schließen sich zusammen, Putin führt sie an
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 17.05.2014


Local organizer
Krytyka, Kyiv

Official partner
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

Supporting partners
Batory Foundation
Embassy of Canada
Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany
Embassy of France
Embassy of the Republic of Poland
Embassy of the United States of America
European Endowment for Democracy
European Forum for Ukraine
Eurozine – Network of European Cultural Journals
Institut Français de l’Ukraine
Institute for Human Sciences (IWM)
International Renaissance Foundation
Kyiv Mohyla Academy
Ministry of Culture of Ukraine
National Endowment for Democracy
The New Republic
Open Ukraine Foundation
Ukrainian Crisis Media Center
Ukrainian Institute for Holocaust Studies “Tkuma”
Ukrainian Jewish Encounter
Visual Culture Research Center