Routine Brutality: How Russia Normalized War

Seminars and Colloquia

Most of those who are now creating hell on earth in Ukraine and sending Russians to their deaths do not possess any form of "satanic greatness." They see themselves as dutiful professionals, resourceful entrepreneurs, or people of culture distanced from “politics.” None of them volunteered to serve evil. It was enough for them to just continue doing their work well. The transition to supporting criminal warfare happened by default. At some point, qualities that might once have been considered signs of professionalism became drive belts of evil, and their possessors became “cabinet villains.” The book project is based in part on interviews with Russia’s government officials, pro-Kremlin scholars, and loyal religious and business leaders.

Maxim Trudolyubov is a senior advisor at the Kennan Institute, a U.S. think tank specializing in Russia, and the editor of Kennan’s expert blog, The Russia File. He is currently working on a book that explores how societies change in times of crisis, such as war.

Kirill Rogov, independent researcher and political scientist, provided commentary.

Clemena Antonova, research director of "World in Pieces" at the IWM, moderated the event.


Fellows Colloquia are internal events for the IWM Visiting Fellows and Guests.