Is There a Chance for Peace in the Middle East?

Debating Europe
Panels and Discussions

The brutal massacre perpetrated by Hamas on 7 October 2023 and Israel’s subsequent destructive military operation in the Gaza Strip have opened new rifts between Israel, the Palestinians, and the Arab world and dimmed the already weak hopes for reconciliation and peace in the region. When the war ends, however, the question of solutions for the conflict will be more urgent than ever. Can Europe, and not only the US, play a role in that process? A prominent international panel discussed this and related questions on the stage of Vienna’s Burgtheater.


Gudrun Harrer, journalist and Middle East expert
Alexander Schallenberg, Federal Minister for European and International Affairs, Republic of Austria
Dahlia Scheindlin, political and strategic consultant, policy analyst at Century International and author of The Crooked Timber of Democracy in Israel: Promise Unfulfilled (2023)
Rula Hardal, co-director of “A Land For All – Two States, One Homeland,” political scientist at the Shalom Hartman Institute and the Arab-American University

The discussion was moderated by IWM Rector Misha Glenny.
The event was held in English.
