Forgiveness and Revenge: Where Is Justice?

JVF Conference Papers

The following paper is not supposed to be an exegesis of the epigraphs stated above.

Nor does it present an exposition about forgiveness based on verses from the Gospels. First, these quotations should remind us of the fact that forgiveness belongs to very old and important features in moral theory. Second, we will see during the argumentation that the text of the Gospels (besides these two passages, Matthew 18:21-35 could be mentioned) touches on several key points of philosophical problems tied to the analysis of the act of forgiveness. Moreover, with respect to moral and ethical issues, I am inclined to use examples and expressions originating from the Christian part of Western cultural heritage. Because of the intention of my paper and the limited space devoted to this topic, I will have to avoid deeper work with the theological account.

For the same reasons, I do not introduce much of the historical interpretation of forgiveness.

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