Milestones of Transit – Europäische Revue 1990 – 2017


Readers can now browse through the beloved journal's history in new interactive timelines.

“Soon after the founding of the IWM in 1982, we began to dream of our own journal which would remind its readers that the division of the continent decided at Yalta was artificial and that the "East" had never ceased to be a part of Europe. Following the founding idea of the Institute, we wanted to contribute to making voices heard from beyond the Iron Curtain, to revive intellectual connections that had been severed long ago, and to initiate new discussions for which no forum existed yet”, said Klaus Nellen, former editor of Transit on the publication’s foundation in 1990. 

You can click through the journal's – and with it, the IWM’s – history in three interactive timelines and read more from Klaus Nellen here, in the publications section of the IWM website.