Apply Now: ASEEES Conference Funding

, 13.02.2024

The IWM's Ukraine in European Dialogue program remains committed to supporting Ukrainian academics and strengthening scholarship on Ukraine worldwide. To this end, we are delighted to invite you to apply for a UiED travel allowance to participate in the ASEEES Convention that will take place on 21-24 November 2024 in Boston Marriott Copley Place.

The IWM will offer a limited number of EUR 2,000 travel allowances to IWM alumni who submitted a panel or roundtable proposal to the 2024 ASEEES Convention and are in need of financial support. Decisions will be made on a competitive basis. The priority will be given to early-career scholars based in Ukraine.

This initiative is aimed at scholars who:

  • are former UiED Fellows or DocU grantees
  • are currently based in Ukraine and are affiliated with an Ukrainian research or academic institution
  • The scholar is working on issues related to politics, history, or culture of Ukraine
  • have already obtained their PhD or are enrolled in a PhD program (predoctoral students & postdocs)

Application materials:

  • Individual paper or roundtable proposal
  • CV
  • Confirmation of application submission to ASEEES
  • Letter of motivation (max. 1 page)
  • Confirmation from the applicant's university/institution that the university/institution does not provide any funding for this purpose.
  • Confirmation that in case the applicant receives IWM funding, they will not accept additional funding from other sources.

Please submit your application materials to under the subject line “ASEEES 2024”. The deadline for submitting your application is 1 May 2024 and you will be notified of the selection committee’s decision by the end of May.