Luda Klusáková



Luda Kluáková specializes in urban history and early modern and modern history. Her research project is an analysis of the western and northern perception of towns in South Eastern Europe and of their society in the early modern
and modern period. Recent publications include: “The Place of the Balkans on the Urban Map of Modern Europe: Some Reflections on Urban Functions in Peripheral Regions” in Slovanský Prehled, 1991 (in Czech); “Urban functions in ‘Internal Peripheries’ of Central and Eastern Europe: Czech Lands Among the Others in the 18th and 19th centuries” in Coexistence 32, 1995; Criteria and Indicators of Backwardness. Essays on Uneven Development in European
History, edited together with Miroslav Hroch, Prague 1996; “The Paradoxes of Catastrophies: Towns and Water in the
Netherlands” in Documenta Pragensia XVI, The Humiliated and Rejected; Towns versus Catastrophies., F. Ledvinka (ed.), Prague 1998.