ERC Mentoring Initiative Workshop July 2022

Conferences and Workshops

In continuation of the ERC Mentoring Initiative, a workshop was held on July 8-9.

The Institute for Human Sciences, in cooperation with the Polish Academy of Sciences (and generously supported by the Polish Ministry of Education and Science), has established a mentoring initiative for applicants for European Research Council Starting and Consolidator Grants in the humanities and social sciences from Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. The purpose of the initiative is to strengthen and further internationalize the humanities and social sciences in Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe by increasing their inclusion in ERC funding schemes.  

The ERC Mentoring Initiative aims to improve the quality of the academic proposals submitted to the ERC by providing potential applicants with:
-    detailed information on the ERC’s funding schemes, its application and evaluation procedures
-    insight into the perspective of ERC Evaluation Panel members and Remote Reviewers
-    feedback on the form and content of draft research proposals presented at the workshop
-    personalized, constructive advice on the conception and design of research projects

By focusing above all on the academic content of applications, the initiative is intended to complement the work of the NCPs for the ERC’s programs, which provide information on the application process, proposal checks and interview training.