Projects Funded

The projects listed below have been supported by Documenting Ukraine. This is not a complete list; other grantees have opted not to publish information about their projects, and new projects are being added to the site on an ongoing basis.
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Project Grantee
7th Company: Laughter and Tears Andrii Meronyk
A Collection of Testimonies from Ukrainian Teachers Nadia Ufimtseva
A Study of the Consequences of the Kakhovka Dam Destruction and Reservoir Drainage for Population of Ukraine Vitalii / Віталій Pichura / Пічура
Art Front: A Gallery of Antiwar Paintings by Artists of Southern Ukraine Tetyana Shevchuk
Cultural Heritage Objects of the South of Ukraine during Russia’s War against Ukraine: Documentation, Significance, Future Yuliia Manukian
Ecological Monitoring and Collecting Evidence of War Crimes against the Environment in the Azov (Zaporizhzhya) Region Vira Porieva
Impact of the War on Cultural Heritage Objects as Refugia of Biodiversity (Вплив війни на об’єкти культурної спадщини як рефугіуми біологічного різноманіття) Ivan Moysiyenko
Kherson in the Russian-Ukrainian War, 2022 Sergiy Vodotyka
Mariupol. Diary of a Survivor (Маріуполь. Щоденник того, хто вижив) Oksana Stomina
More Liudei Magazine Veronika Poliakova
Odesa. Museum Diary of War: A Graphic Novel Olena Iliasova
South-East Ukraine: Under Temporary Occupation Natalia Tsybuliak