Ivan Moysiyenko


Documenting Ukraine Grants

Impact of the War on Cultural Heritage Objects as Refugia of Biodiversity (Вплив війни на об’єкти культурної спадщини як рефугіуми біологічного різноманіття)

Our research has shown that cultural heritage objects (kurgans, hillforts, old parks, and cemeteries) are crucial to the preservation of biodiversity (cf. Sudnik-Wójcikowska, Moysiyenko, 2012). In peacetime, the biodiversity of these objects is significantly impacted by humans, with damage occuring as a byproduct of the development of agricultural fields at sites where these objects are located; deforestation; and the activities of illicit and even official archologists. Since the beginning of the war, the damage to cultural heritage objects has intensified significantly, especially in light of the fact that kurgans are advantageous locations for placing observation points, setting up ambushes, and establishing military positions. 

The purpose of this project is to document damage to impacted cultural heritage objects as biodiversity refugia during military operations. Notably, this project will document the damage suffered by the natural environment at these sites, whereas cultural preservation specialists as a rule do not document the impact on the natural environment. 

Grant on behalf of: