Projects Funded

The projects listed below have been supported by Documenting Ukraine. This is not a complete list; other grantees have opted not to publish information about their projects, and new projects are being added to the site on an ongoing basis.
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Project Grantee
A Collection of Literary Reportages on How the Russo-Ukrainian War Has Changed Relations between Poles and Ukrainians Mariia Semenchenko
An Essay from the Front Andriy Lyubka
Chronicles of the Revival (Хроніки відродження) Olha Mykhailiuk
Civilians. Invasion Daniil Revkovskyi
Documenting Religious Transformations as Mirror of Social Changes after Large-Scale Invasion into Ukraine Tetiana Kalenychenko, Denys Brylov
Fixing the War Oleksandra Kravchenko
I’m In: The Ukrainian Volunteer Movement Les Beley
Kharkiv - My Favorite City Yevhenii Telukha
Monitoring the Dynamics of Communication Networks of Mutual Aid and Cooperation between Religious Communities during the War in Ukraine Tetiana Kalenychenko, Denys Brylov
NGOs During the All-Out Invasion: Financial Challenges and Sustainability Alla Hnatiuk
Seasonal Work Olga Gaidash
Stories of War and the Rehumanization and Consolidation of Society (Історіі війни в фокусі регуманізації, консолідації суспільства) Inna Tereshchenko