Max Gorbatskyi


Documenting Ukraine Grants

Beyond the News Images / Interviews of Documentary Photographers

The project consists of a series of publications resulting from interviews with Ukrainian photographers exploring the stories and experiences of people who document the war and everyday life in Ukraine since 24 February 2022.

The project's goal is to document the stories and extend the understanding of newsworthy events beyond their representation in the media via the stories told by documentary photographers, who provide context and personal perspectives on events seen by international audiences in the press.

Over the course of the project, 15 major documentary photographers will be interviewed. Interviews will revolve around a particular photograph or a series. Each of the photographers will be asked to provide information about the subject of the work and its context, as well as a personal perspective on events. The interviews will result in publications featuring a large number of visual materials and extensive text focusing simultaneously on historical and photographic aspects of the work.