Alyona Vyshnytska


Documenting Ukraine Grants

War. Stories from Ukraine

A group of journalists, illustrators, and translators in Ukraine have created a media project entitled “War. Stories from Ukraine.” We record and tell the stories of Ukrainians who, lying in their beds on the morning of February 24, suddenly found themselves amid war. The project's main idea is to explain a person to another person. We tell stories about how ordinary Ukrainian people feel during the war, what they are struggling for, and how society and the whole country are transforming. 
Our current goals are:  
- to give a voice to the people who want to share their stories with the world. It helps document the experience here and now, and could later be useful in human rights trials;
- to show how society is changing in wartime, and how the life of every Ukrainian has been transformed;
- to encourage foreigners to help Ukraine;
- to maintain interest in topics about Ukraine, because as the war drags we see people getting tired of horrible news about the war;
- to develop empathy for refugees in Ukraine and abroad.

Grant on behalf of: